Rigging techniques
Show Reel (2018)
My final works in Rigging Techniques!!
Toon Tree Rig
In this assignment we learned ndynamics and nhair >Make selected curve dynamics to acheieve automatic leaf movement and with joints and ik handles I was able to rig tree trunk movement and with non linear deformer and blend shapes applied on tree truck I was able to flare and twist the tree trunk!!
As there is an urge to complete assignments I'm not able to share my work experience with you guys!! but rigging 3d objects is really fun !!
skeletal setup of toon tree😝
consisting of joints ,Ik handles, follicle and skinned to respective leaves!!
Here is my small rig test ,hope you like it !!
Thank you
Book Rig
hello, In this book rig we had basic requirements like the flip of pages and page fan was done by using midpoint formula, Through joints created to book and book cover i smooth binded the respective objects to joints and weighted balanced it with the help of component editor
joints created
blend shape was used to deform book and book pages
book and blendshapes
when blend shape is off
when blend shape is on
blend shape copies of a page
A small rig test video is here please watch it ,hope you all like it !!
Thank you
Car- Auto rotate_wheel Rig
In this assignment, we learnt some basic Randon function for vibration of the car and if else condition for automatic wheel movement which was calculated using circumference=2pir!!
and other controls like the door, car front deck, car back deck, manual wheel rotation was connected through set driven key method ..
scipts used
Final Rig Test and Final Render!!
Bow and Arrow
In this assignment we started using joints and rig organic objects, and object and joints were skinned through smooth bind, Ik handles are created to bend the bow and controls are created to control the movement of bow and string, space switching is given to arrow, space switching means having multiple parents.
Controls curves and joints smooth bind with the object
Rig test
Wooden toy Rig
hello in this rig understanding the mechanism of automata and achieveing it in 3D througth contrains was quite difficult.. parenting and orient was much used in my model
This model plays around rat and mouse pointing it.
Juice Box_rig
rigging requirements of box
stretch & squash
hi, guys this time we learnt uses of locator in a rig, and squash, bend, twist, deformer were easily achieved by connecting node editor and driven key method..
to, work with straw and deforming it was new, with sculpting deformer, and achieveing sipping action.. too short and sweet
screenshot of outliner
control curves
Ball Rig
hi,, its been new and happy beginning with rigging techniques learning how to rig a ball so that it can be moved, stretched and squash.
To understand rigging requirements,benefits of coding in Maya, different ways of rigging a 3D objects are challenging ways for rigging artist.
basic tools and procedure to rig a ball
1) take a sphere, texture it like a ball
2)use squash deformers from animation > create deformers > non-liner deformers
3) naming convention and planning and organizing outliner .
4)creating control curves like COG control, transition control and one for squash control.
5)creating relationship between all controls as per rigging technique rules.
A basic rig can be performed in several ways ,expression method using MEL scripts , creating artistic rig with node editor and node connections, and set driven key method was crazy thing i loved to work on.
Screenshots related to ball rig
play-blast of ball rig
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