Dynamics in maya2014

4th CIA (n-particles)

This was done using n-particles instanced to it, and working with passive collider and fill object, and simple animation set up!

5th CIA ( n-hair)

This was done by using n-cloth and transform constrain, component to component constrains and adjusting values like Air density, wind speed, resistance strength, wind speed, direction in respective attributes etc

3rd CIA ( soft bodies)

Ocean simulation 

This was done making plane collide and giving turbulence field to it, and creating motion path curve and playing with values like frequency, attenuation etc

Window simulation 

This was achieved by nail constraining the windows!! and working with damping

slurry road

This was done using soft bodies applied to plane and colliding object with plane and working with attributes like conserve, goal weight etc

1st CIA

Rain effect

This rain effect can be achieved through dynamics using particles from the object by enabling render attributes under particle shape and tweaking it with its attributes like Line width, Multi count, and lifespan attributes and it renders only in hardware Rendering ..!!!

Rocket simulation 


2nd CIA (Rigid body)

Chain ball hit

Domino 2 and Jenga ball simulation 

The domino effect 

This was my 1st project in Dynamics creating domino effect using Rigid bodies like active rigid body and passive rigid body and applying field gravity and the simulation was created !!


Ball Bounce on Uneven Surface

 Different ball weight bounce

Ball bonce can be achieved in dynamics by using rigid bodies like active rigid body and passive rigid body, and playing with terms like doping, attenuation, mass, velocity, bounciness etc and for each different mass gravity changes.



This game can in achieved in dynamics through the rigid body by playing with values like initial velocity, mass, damping, bounciness, static friction, dynamic friction etc and fields like uniform field and there attributes like magnitude etc.!!!


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