Texture and Material
procedural Shaders using Maya materials and texture. Hypershade helps us to built shading networks by creating, editing, and connecting render nodes
1) procedural glass shader
This is by giving anisotropic material, and setting refractive index of glass in attributes the material
2) procedural rim shader

3) if condition
it is were we can texture on both side of a same plane, by giving conditions to nodes connected
this shows render output when reversed i.e when if condition is false
4) Animated ribbon
This is a easy trick to use ramp in material transparency give equal distance between opaque and transparent or using grid , repeat and rotating the uv in placement node.
5) Procedural wood shader
This is done by using fractile arranging it with vu, repeat uv ,threshold, amplitude an much more
This as simple as thew wood shader created, but in place2dtexture node of grid we have to select stagger and number of repeat uv
7) procedural layered shader
This layer texture under create menu bar helps us to create different layers connect in one node of the material, it helps to work more faster and efficiently
soup bowl
Thank you
happy shadings
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