3D Animation

Fight Animation

hello,this is my final animation for 4th sem and much more animation output to come!!!

The characters i chose to animate was Jack and herc,from Body mechanic rigs-Mega pack 

My story goes like were herc is huge with hammer as his weapon,where as jack is flexible with his sword.... I made up a shot where Jack wins by phosing for  somersault when hit by herc, gets up and hits herc....
  Animating a somersault phose was quite difficult and I was guided by my professor Subhish kumar,
and my dear friend Chinmayee sathish, Thanks for Everyeffort you made for me to achieve this simple 4sec shot ...

here comes my Output...
                                                                    Thank you!!!

Squirrel Blocking Animation

Hi, guys This is another Animation project we were 1st told to do planning in 2D and then import in Maya using Fckeck and it's just a blocking of character  and slow in and slow out to be edited in graph editor

Graph editor
select Windows > Animation Editors > Graph Editor
It helps us to change or set the values of keys as out animation requirements
each key animation in Maya generates time and value graph.

Definition of blocking in animation

Blocking is an animation technique in which key poses are created to establish timing and placement of characters and props in a given scene or shot. ... In 3D, the animation curves of a blocked shot are often created using "stepped" or "square" tangencies, which provides no interpolation between animation poses

here, is my blocking and planning of my 3D character animation 

2nd stage of polishing animation is tuning with linear tangents

Linear tangents -Specifying a linear tangent creates an animation curve as a straight line joining two keys. If the in tangent type is linear, the curve segment before the key is a straight line. If the out-tangent type is linear, the curve segment after the key is a straight line. this tangent helps us to tweak slow in and slow out in animation and arrive and final output 

here is my linear tangent and final output animation 

Some of my graph with different types of tangents 

1st with step tangents ( Gimbal ctrl-translate y)

2nd with linear tangents  ( Gimbal ctrl-translate y)

                              a final graph with slow in & slow out  ( Gimbal ctrl-translate y)

                             Thank you



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